Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Wagon Wheels
I started playing football my freshman year of high school. I was introduced to weight training the summer before as part of the football program. The first day I walked into the gym, I was 165 lbs and 6' tall. I benched a ground breaking 115 lbs and squatted an ugly 185 lbs for 2 reps..
Watch It All Burn
Serious question, do you ever get tired of helping people? Or rather... trying to help people? I feel like I'm constantly leading horses to water. Family and friends come to me complaining that they can't lose fat, can't gain muscle, and can’t overcome ailments like celiac and IBS. They ask for advice...
42 Things I Learned Leading Up to 2013
13. It is better to live like a farmer than a bartender. Farmers go to bed when the sun goes down and wake when the roosters crow. Bartenders hang out with drunks, don’t go to bed till 3 or 4 in the morning and sleep all day. Be a farmer...
Power Athlete Radio
Welcome to Power Athlete Radio...
You can take the best minds in the world when it comes to program design, the best equipment and the location and the still not the see the results of a single coach in a home garage gym with a barbell. Every program whether it be BFS, CrossFit Football’s Power Athlete, Westside, Wendler’s 5-3-1 or Starting Strength is only as good as the implementation by the coach or athlete and how well as the athlete’s dedication to the program...
Sports Coach Radio Dot Com
John Welbourn is the big man behind CrossFit Football. A nine-year veteran of the NFL, he brings a multi-disciplinary approach to elite strength and conditioning. If you’re unfamiliar with the phenomenon that is CrossFit, you’ll learn all about it in this in-depth interview. Sports Coach Radio is hosted by Glenn Whitney, a sports and leadership psychologist...
Vision & Culture
How do you foster and encourage a competitive spirit in a place where most dudes would rather stand around in the mirror admiring how awesome they are? I would love to have some awesome competitions with lots of folks really pushing to be the best. I would also love to see more dudes in our place practicing more fundamental, functional training, but you can't have everything. Our squat racks only get used by about 8% of our membership...