Talk To Me Johnnie
The personal blog of John Welbourn, 9-Year NFL starter and CEO of Power Athlete Inc.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Talk To Me Johnnie is the personal blog of John Welbourn, 10-Year NFL Veteran and CEO of Power Athlete inc.
Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC)
You have heard about Compensatory Acceleration. But what about the Stretch Shortening Cycle? The stretch shortening cycle (SSC) is the spring-like action of muscles where an eccentric contraction is followed by a concentric contraction. The SSC is akin to the compressing a spring. The more force that is applied the more explosive movement. Athletes using a countermovement jump with a pre-stretch or pre-load will consistently jump higher than athletes jumping from a static position.
Why Sprinting is Important
Sprinting isn’t just a “leg” workout; it requires a full-body effort, taxing a well-developed energy system and pushing it to its limits. An increase in VO2 max is a hedge against aging. Your lungs get better at processing oxygen, making you more efficient in everything you choose to do. The more you sprint, the better you get at delivering oxygen to your muscles, resulting in greater output.
Rotational Power
Power Athlete has long put a focus on rotational power and transverse plane in all training programs but primarily focused on those programs aimed at developing athletes for the field or mat like Field Strong and Dragon Slayer. By putting focus on the transverse plane, athletes become well-rounded, resilient, and capable of performing at the highest level.
Post Activation Potentiation Training (PAP)
Post Activation Potentiation (PAP) is a training approach that allows an athlete to enhance their performance through strategic manipulation of muscle activation. Initially discussed by Yuri Verkhoshansky in his groundbreaking work *Science and Practice of Strength Training*, PAP has since been integrated into the training of high level athletes and [...]
Compensatory Acceleration Training (CAT)
Compensatory acceleration represents a significant advancement in the field of strength training, influenced by the pioneering work of Dr. Fred Hatfield and the practical applications here at Power Athlete. Hatfield’s theoretical foundation in Power and John's integration of these principles into the Power Athlete training system have collectively enhanced the understanding and application of this method. As athletes and coaches continue to explore and utilize compensatory acceleration, its impact on strength, power, and overall performance will likely remain a crucial element in achieving athletic excellence.
You Are What Your Father Eats
Dads who eat a lot a westernized diet packed with packaged foods & junk and are overweight tend to not process folate - and as the study suggests this can hurt the baby...
Another 42 Things I Have Learned
Ten years ago, I wrote a blog post called “The 42 Things I Have Learned Leading up to 2013" Since then, I have learned a lot more than I care to admit, and much I would choose to forget. Having lost loved ones and gained many more, I realize that [...]