Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Evel Knievel
A rep maximum (RM) in weight training is the maximum amount of weight on can lift for a given number of repetitions on THAT day during THAT workout. If the workout calls for a 5 rep maximum in the squat, that means 5 squat reps at the heaviest weight possible. If you can only do 4 reps, then you went too heavy and now know your 4 RM. If you can do 6 reps, then you did not go heavy enough...
Jager Bombs & Pound Town
The reason I'm writing you is that for the past week (and the next week too), I will be extremely busy working on a project for school. I'll be putting in 12+ hours per day for the next week on this project alone, not including other class work. With this schedule, it prevents me from training. I am trying to 'damage control' myself as best as I can...
Making It Work
To facilitate this, I’ve put together a fully functional CFFB garage gym. The amazing thing (IMHO) is that I’ve managed to fit it all into a 115 square foot (11’ x 10’ 6”) space in my 1-car garage. I also store a rolling toolbox, 4 bicycles, 2 motorcycles and some typical garage stuff in there. I know some people struggle with finding a place to work out, so I thought this might be useful or inspiring to those who might have a small space at home and can only afford a small stipend with which to buy equipment...
Hamstring Pull
Tight hamstrings are weak hamstrings. And tight, weak hamstrings can pull the pelvis into anterior pelvic tilt. The upper connection of the hamstrings becomes weaker as that connection becomes tighter, preventing its proper function in keeping the pelvis properly aligned. Knowing this, you need to start stretching your hamstrings. Google hamstring stretches and in .0001 seconds 6 billion results will be staring you in the face...
What kind of exercises will I need?
Talk To Me Johnnie...I'm a high school junior looking to play Division 1-AA football in college. I've been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now, and I'm looking for what types of exercises I need to be able to do, and goals I need to hit in order to make it. I figure you guys would be the best people to ask. Let me know. Thanks, Steve...
Hello John...First off let me thank you for the incredible resource you provide through CFFB. We introduced CFFB to our high school athletes for the first time last January (2011) and we are seeing extremely impressive results. Intensity is through the roof, strength increases are coming in droves (I wish we were introduced to linear progression many years ago!) and most importantly the kids love it. The linear progression provides them instant feedback everyday and the wods provide the competitive environment that is lacking during the football off-season...
FT vs. ST
John...Thank you for the invaluable resources you provide through CFFB and Talk To Me Johnnie. After reading the post “Legs Too Large? WTF?” I began to wonder about utilizing the 20-rep max. In the paraphrase, Mark Rippetoe uses the example of an 80% 1RM for a set of 20 reps. My question to you is: do you recommend using a 20 rep max from time to time on the squat and if so, how often? I imagine that doing a 20-rep max using about 80% of 1RM would put the legs out of commission for a good 2 days...