Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Strength Training for Young Athletes
Johnnie, What's your take on what age young athletes should start lifting weights? I am working with a group of 11 and 12 year-old baseball players doing mostly speed and agility work because their parents are terrified of strength training. Sandy H. Lets take a look at how kids unfold. [...]
Mecca of Power
I was in Fairfield, CT last month for a certification and Zach Even-Esh took a drive up from New Jersey to say hello. Zach and I have been emailing for over a year and finally got the chance to meet up. He loaned me a collection of old PL'ing articles [...]
Zombie Preparation Part II
In wake of the Zombie Preparation Part I, I decided to expand and outline some transportation options and stealthy mean for dealing with those pesky zombies. Everyone knows I am a fan of everything of anything with wheels…one to eighteen…I love them all. I am lucky enough to be the [...]
Zombie Preparation
John, What would be your weapon of choice, other than your bare hands, if the zombie attack were to begin tomorrow? Chris L. Interesting that you should ask, as Captain Jim and I had a similar discussion over a SoCal Margarita the other night. I think you have to break [...]
Weight Gain & Female Athletes
John, I was wondering what you suggest for your female athletes with regards to their body changes. I started eating Paleo in January and have succeeded in eliminating all grains and dairy (never drank milk before anyway) and I do feel great In May, I weighed 115 lbs at 5' [...]
The River Cottage Meat Book
I came home late the other day to find a package on my front door step. When I concluded the package was from Amazon I was a bit confused as I did not remember ordering anything. I proceeded to open the box to find a thick book with a beautifully [...]
John - I was at your most recent CrossFit Football certification and during the nutrition talk you cautioned us about over-consumption of fruit and more specifically fructose. Can you go into more detail on why I should be weary of fructose ? Interesting you should ask...I happen to re-working the nutrition [...]