Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Speed & Cold Steel
Hi, I am a former high performance rugby player who has noticed a steady decline in performance after being injured. In short I want to be back @ the top of my game and my training needs a kick in the ass...
Dear John, an-nyung-ha-se-yo! I have been reading your workouts and website for many month and doing some exercises. I want to get strong, but I fear gaining weight. I have no money for new pants. I would also like to run marathon...
Butcher’s Garage
I was up late last night working on site designs when an email hit my inbox from our friend, Kenneth in Copenhagen, Denmark at Butcher’s Garage. I know you have heard of Butcher’s Lab, but have you heard of Butcher’s Garage...
Is Football Good For Rugby?
The Football site launched the night of 3. 31.2009 and my inbox exploded. Two emails stick out in my head from the 2000+ emails I received, one from Daz of CrossFit Newcastle in Newcastle, Australia and the other from not so happy CrossFitter. Daz's interest was in the programming and making tweaks to adapt it to rugby. I loved it...
John, attached is a picture of me pulling 424 lbs at a body weight of 158 lbs at a USAPL competition yesterday. I won the 165 lbs junior and open raw weight-classes, and set new California state records for the Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and total for the 165 lbs junior weight class...
Iowa Football & Rhabdo
Hey John, Did you hear about the recent case of rhabdomyolysis at the University of Iowa? I was curious as one of the players said he had to "squat 240lbs for 100 reps and it was timed." 13 players were affected and I was just hoping that with your experience you might be able to shed some light on why this type of training is beneficial for D1 football players at this point in the off-season...
What are you training for?
Hey John, My name is Dan and I've CrossFitting for going on two years now. I'm 28 yrs/old, 6'2", 195lbs (very lean). I get on average four workouts a week in with a strong emphasis on power. I have had limited gains in terms of becoming more powerful...