
Talk To Me Johnnie

Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.

Talk To Me Johnnie

Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.


Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar chemically identical to glucose (blood sugar) that is made from corn. In many cases dextrose is used in food products as a sweetener, but it also is used extensively for medical purposes. Since dextrose is a “simple” sugar, the body can use it rapidly for energy...

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Talk To Me Johnnie: The eBook

I owe a lot to Talk To Me Johnnie and assembling it into an eBook with unreleased material and commentary has been rewarding and enjoyable. I have learned a lot form writing this work and my thoughts have evolved since writing much of this; I have tried to make this corrections. If you have some time and want to pick up the book, it is roughly a 1000 pages depending on how you view it...

By |Categories: Talk to Me Johnnie|Tags: |2 Comments

8 Mile

As I worked with A-Rabbit every morning at 6 AM the goal was always the same. Prepare yourself so that when the situation arises you can throw the right pitch or throw a strike for the save. Even if that day never comes, at least you can look back and realize you did everything could to be ready when greatness came knocking...

By |Categories: Talk to Me Johnnie|Tags: |5 Comments

RDL vs Stiff Leg Deadlift

I teach HS weight training & often use the RDL in workouts. Our football strength coach, who works with many of the same kids after school, has them doing straight-legged deadlifts. He follows a more traditional bodybuilding type program (chest & back, shoulders, legs, bis & tris), so we tend to work against each other. A few weeks ago we had a “discussion” about the RDL vs. straight-legged deadlift, among other things...

By |Categories: Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie|3 Comments

Dear Mom

I am a mother of a 12-year old football player. He's in 6th grade and currently in training for his first tackle team for the spring season. He has been playing flag for the past 4-5 years; he used to partake in CrossFit and had some one-on-one training in lifting and running technique from our previous CrossFit and Olympic Lifting Coach in California...

By |Categories: Power Athlete, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|14 Comments
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