Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Bulking in a Bind
I have been following Field Strong and the Bulking Protocol and making great gains but I am having trouble find protein sources when traveling and away from home. If I am lucky enough to prepare my snacks, I survive on cold meat loaf and chicken...
Bulking Protocol – Part 3
That really depends on what you are training for and your goals. But since this series is called The Bulking Protocol it is safe to assume you are reading with the goal of putting on muscle and size. I favor the more frequent meal model, as it is the only way for me to consume enough calories over the course of the day using high quality food sources...
Mom & Raw Milk
I have an 18-year-old son who plays high school football. He does not expect that he will play college football since he is 5'9". He is however very broad and has a large frame. He would like to get stronger and more physical. He is interested in the diet you propose that consists of raw milk. I am uncomfortable with this recommendation...
Power Athlete Membership
Hey PAHQ guys - thanks for the programming. I don’t mean to be a pushy asshole, but are you going to explain the Power Athlete membership a little bit more? Like what the the advantage of the Power Athlete programming vs. CrossFit Football programming?...
It’s a long road…
John...Not sure if you have answered this question before, but where does the Talk To Me Johnnie tagline, "It's a long road" come from?... The original Rambo was one of Stallone's greatest works and one of my favorite movie. He plays a pivotal character for the time when the movie was made. The loner fighting against the establishment, refusing to conform to societies pressures and generally kicking ass for the 2 hours.
CrossFit Football, New & Improved
You will see two parts to each workout, some days there might even be three or four parts. Start on your left and work right. Many days the strength work might be the priority and listed first and other days something else might be the priority. The easiest advice I can give is to start on the left and work right...
Bulking Protocol & Coconut Carne Bars
In years past, my food to “bridge the gap” was beef jerky. This fundamental need is what lead to the starting of Well Food Company and the different type of jerky we offer. I remember a conversation my wife and I had when she saw me eating jerky with spoonfuls of coconut oil...