Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
Talk To Me Johnnie
Hard Lessons and Strong Advice from John Welbourn — Power Athlete Founder, 9-Year NFL Veteran, and Strength Advocate.
What Numbers Don’t Tell
John, I will be attending and doing spring football workouts at UIW in San Antonio, Texas. I am a 22-year-old freshman with no guaranteed spot on the team as I am a hoping to walk on, but I have faith. I would like to play wide receiver or will at [...]
Which Program to Follow
John, I am currently looking at a few of your Power Athlete programs on Train Heroic. I have been looking at Jacked Street, Grindstone and Field Strong and was hoping to get your input on which program would be best for me. I am a police officer in Columbus, Ohio [...]
Dear Mr. Welbourn, I lack what you referred to in PA Radio 174 as a "mean streak". I'm not prone to violence and am soft spoken. In your years of experience, did you encounter football players who didn't typically have a mean streak, but found a way to channel aggression [...]
Low Testosterone, Cortisol & CrossFit
Johnnie, I need some advice; an athlete of mine was recently told that his low testosterone readings at his general health check-up could be a result of his “metcons”. The argument was that his “metcons” are raising his cortisol levels and lowering his testosterone levels. Would putting this athlete on [...]
Johnnie WOD
At my CrossFit Level 1 in Santa Cruz in 2008, I remember hearing Dave Castro and Nicole Carroll drop “WOD” into their cornucopia of buzzwords alongside “constantly varied”, “functional movements”, and “high intensity”. Like a gentle breeze, it passed over my head with nary a second thought. [chimpy_form forms="1"] [...]
What CrossFit Football Taught Me
"CrossFit Football was a completely separate, different animal. Here was a CrossFit branded training program with a periodized strength template coupled with short, heavy, hard, and fast conditioning workouts mixed with sprints and change of direction...People fucking ate it up."
Power Athlete on a Budget
Hi John, Currently I am in college in South Carolina and this August begin a new job. For the first time ever, I will also have to budget my food. How would you recommend I plan my food purchases? For instance, is grass fed beef more important than organic chicken? [...]