
Talk To Me Johnnie

The personal blog of John Welbourn, 9-Year NFL starter and CEO of Power Athlete Inc.

Talk To Me Johnnie

Talk To Me Johnnie is the personal blog of John Welbourn, 10-Year NFL Veteran and CEO of Power Athlete inc.


It’s a long road…

John...Not sure if you have answered this question before, but where does the Talk To Me Johnnie tagline, "It's a long road" come from?... The original Rambo was one of Stallone's greatest works and one of my favorite movie. He plays a pivotal character for the time when the movie was made. The loner fighting against the establishment, refusing to conform to societies pressures and generally kicking ass for the 2 hours.

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Bulking Protocol – Part 2

For the second installment of the Bulking Protocol, we are going to outline the "how much?" portion of the method. If you are reading this, there is a good chance you are interested in putting on size or at the very least understand how it can be done with good results. Many ask, how do I increase the number on the scale without a massive increase in my waistline?...

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