Hey John, 

Wondering if CFFB is appropriate for alpine skiing/racing? In the past I’ve used CrossFit for off/on season training and during that short duration, my strength never really progressed to a desired level; total shocker. I’m not the type to combine 20 different programs into my own secret squirrel special sauce, so I am looking for some guidance.

Chad Feagler

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While I started skiing almost before I could walk, I have little hands on experience working with skiers. So I thought to enlist a good friend and fan of the CrossFit Football program to answer your question.

I forwarded your email to US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Famer and CrossFit legend, Eva Twardokens, to drop some knowledge.

“I believe CFFB is a fantastic mode of training for alpine skiing. Skiers should be trained to be fast like sprinters, but they need some mass to withstand the crashes. Keep it simple, have specific goals you can set and attain. And when in doubt – leave it out.”

Eva’s recommendations are on point with CFFB: strong, fast and enough body mass to survive big impacts.


If you are in the TTMJ eco system and interested in contracting Eva’s skills for consults or training, she is working on an S&C site to work with athletes. You can find her at EvaTStrengthAndConditioning.com or her personal blog, SkiEvaT.blogspot.com.

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