Mike Tyson on Being Favored by God & Targeted by the Devil
Make choices that align with your purpose and stay true to the path that brought you here. Stand strong, stay grounded, and keep moving forward with faith.
Make choices that align with your purpose and stay true to the path that brought you here. Stand strong, stay grounded, and keep moving forward with faith.
John...Not sure if you have answered this question before, but where does the Talk To Me Johnnie tagline, "It's a long road" come from?... The original Rambo was one of Stallone's greatest works and one of my favorite movie. He plays a pivotal character for the time when the movie was made. The loner fighting against the establishment, refusing to conform to societies pressures and generally kicking ass for the 2 hours.
The list of 42 had a profound effect on me this year. Whenever I encountered a challenge or crossroads, I tried to apply what I knew and see if the event would reshape my point of view. 2013 might have been one of the most difficult and trying years in my last 37. The joy of having children has added a layer I could never of expected...
13. It is better to live like a farmer than a bartender. Farmers go to bed when the sun goes down and wake when the roosters crow. Bartenders hang out with drunks, don’t go to bed till 3 or 4 in the morning and sleep all day. Be a farmer...
Hungry, famished, starved describes a condition resulting from a lack of food. Hungry is a general word, expressing various degress of eagerness or craving for food: hungry between meals; desperately hungry after a long fast; hungry as a bear...
Ask 11 men wearing armor to impose their will on another group of 11 men wearing armor standing just across an imaginary line and see what happens. Now add 75,000 fans screaming and millions of dollars in salary and see where it gets us. Now breed an attitude of superiority in the men from the time their are kids and for good measure have them lift weights and train like it was a job from high school...
I know that you're busy, but I've had a problem lately and i hoped maybe you could help. I'm a college freshman, and I’ve been following the CFFB program for several months now and have seen some spectacular gains. However, I took two weeks off to move to college and get used to my new routine...
Hey John, Thought it would be badass to have an article on setting up a cffb garage gym. Thanks for the suggestion. . I read your question and have been milling it over for a few weeks and agree there should be a simple easy set up guide for a garage gym...
I get a few questions and comments a day on my Zombie Preparation posts. Recently, someone asked if I would make any changes to weapons choices. Yes. I have come across a few new weapons I would add to my zombie survival list. The first weapon on our updated list just missed the cut for the last Zombie Preparation posts and after some serious consideration, it lands on top...
I’ve been asked from time to time about the training methods of my father, Mike Webster of the Pittsburgh Steelers. This is recollection will, of course, be colored by the lens of youth, and for the life of me I can’t remember the exact poundages or set/rep schemes he used for the most part, having been so small that my own workouts alongside him consisted of straining to deadlift the empty curl bar...