Hip Extension

If you’re serious about your training and sprinting faster, you need to focus on it. Squats and deadlifts have their place, but they won’t give you the movement pattern needed to drive your sprint performance. The key is knee behind your glute to build speed and power when and where it counts.

By |2024-10-03T22:35:53-05:00October 9th, 2024|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|0 Comments

Herpes on a First Date

Hello John, Just found your presentation on YouTube, very interesting. I am a strength equipment design engineer. I invented the 1st weight stack machine allowing for anytime weight change, without touching the pin or stopping the exercise. I have a few patents and a number of advanced strength machine concepts that go beyond what is on the conventional market;  I am a big fan of the philosophy "if you want become more functional [...]

By |2018-05-18T06:57:13-05:00May 18th, 2018|Lifting Weights, Power Athlete, Talk to Me Johnnie, WTF?|7 Comments

FORM Lifting: Use The Force

When I first started training with weights, I was obsessed with the practice of moving a weight or object from point A to point B in as short a period of time as possible. The ability to move an object faster in the weight room translated to football field better than anything short of learning to anticipate the snap count - I defined this as power. Power as you know is found in [...]

By |2016-02-28T10:55:00-06:00February 28th, 2016|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|3 Comments

RDL vs Stiff Leg Deadlift

I teach HS weight training & often use the RDL in workouts. Our football strength coach, who works with many of the same kids after school, has them doing straight-legged deadlifts. He follows a more traditional bodybuilding type program (chest & back, shoulders, legs, bis & tris), so we tend to work against each other. A few weeks ago we had a “discussion” about the RDL vs. straight-legged deadlift, among other things...

By |2015-04-09T16:09:48-05:00April 9th, 2015|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie|3 Comments

Sports Coach Radio Dot Com

John Welbourn is the big man behind CrossFit Football. A nine-year veteran of the NFL, he brings a multi-disciplinary approach to elite strength and conditioning. If you’re unfamiliar with the phenomenon that is CrossFit, you’ll learn all about it in this in-depth interview. Sports Coach Radio is hosted by Glenn Whitney, a sports and leadership psychologist...

By |2013-05-05T18:02:53-05:00February 19th, 2013|Diet, Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|0 Comments


I attended the CrossFit Football trainer seminar couple months back in the UK and learned more from your team than any certification I have attended. So much so, we want to host one in Germany whenever you are available. I have started training a few players from a professional hockey team in Nuremberg, Germany in preparation for their upcoming season. They want a strength program in conjunction with their conditioning work. They have exposure to strength training but nothing you would call organized. I would like to start them on the amateur linear progression...

By |2013-06-03T20:28:22-05:00April 29th, 2012|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|12 Comments

What kind of exercises will I need?

Talk To Me Johnnie...I'm a high school junior looking to play Division 1-AA football in college. I've been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now, and I'm looking for what types of exercises I need to be able to do, and goals I need to hit in order to make it. I figure you guys would be the best people to ask. Let me know. Thanks, Steve...


Hello John...First off let me thank you for the incredible resource you provide through CFFB. We introduced CFFB to our high school athletes for the first time last January (2011) and we are seeing extremely impressive results. Intensity is through the roof, strength increases are coming in droves (I wish we were introduced to linear progression many years ago!) and most importantly the kids love it. The linear progression provides them instant feedback everyday and the wods provide the competitive environment that is lacking during the football off-season...

By |2013-02-02T01:13:29-06:00March 13th, 2012|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|6 Comments

FT vs. ST

John...Thank you for the invaluable resources you provide through CFFB and Talk To Me Johnnie. After reading the post “Legs Too Large? WTF?” I began to wonder about utilizing the 20-rep max. In the paraphrase, Mark Rippetoe uses the example of an 80% 1RM for a set of 20 reps. My question to you is: do you recommend using a 20 rep max from time to time on the squat and if so, how often? I imagine that doing a 20-rep max using about 80% of 1RM would put the legs out of commission for a good 2 days...

By |2013-02-02T01:17:35-06:00February 27th, 2012|Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|39 Comments
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