Iowa Football & Rhabdo

Hey John, Did you hear about the recent case of rhabdomyolysis at the University of Iowa? I was curious as one of the players said he had to "squat 240lbs for 100 reps and it was timed." 13 players were affected and I was just hoping that with your experience you might be able to shed some light on why this type of training is beneficial for D1 football players at this point in the off-season...

By |2013-02-04T18:07:46-06:00January 27th, 2011|Football, Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|28 Comments


Hey Guys, Just wondering why there are no muscle-ups in the CrossFit Football programming? I've heard that if you can do heavy weighted pull-ups (like 100 extra pounds) then you can do a muscle up no problem but I don't know if this is true. Does this have anything to do with the program doing a ton of weighted pull-ups and chin ups? Thanks, Jay Jay, before I go threw the reasons you [...]

By |2013-06-03T22:44:37-05:00December 27th, 2010|FAQ, Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, The Power Athlete, Training|22 Comments
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