Power Athlete on a Budget

    Hi John, Currently I am in college in South Carolina and this August begin a new job. For the first time ever, I will also have to budget my food. How would you recommend I plan my food purchases? For instance, is grass fed beef more important than organic chicken? Where should I go organic? For the Paleo-ish diet, where should I place the priority? I am thinking of budgeting $80-100 per month [...]

    By |2016-07-01T16:35:10-05:00July 4th, 2016|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|5 Comments

      Grass-Fed versus Grain-Fed

      On one side you have powerhouses like Michael Pollan and Joel Saladin who believe the way cattle are being raised is both inhumane and poisoning us as a nation. On the other, you have a USDA and a vast collection of independent cattle ranchers raising cattle to feed an overpopulated planet. ..

      By |2016-04-23T08:02:34-05:00April 22nd, 2016|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|1 Comment


        Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar chemically identical to glucose (blood sugar) that is made from corn. In many cases dextrose is used in food products as a sweetener, but it also is used extensively for medical purposes. Since dextrose is a “simple” sugar, the body can use it rapidly for energy...

        By |2016-01-12T21:46:25-06:00January 12th, 2016|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|3 Comments

          Bulking in a Bind

          I have been following Field Strong and the Bulking Protocol and making great gains but I am having trouble find protein sources when traveling and away from home. If I am lucky enough to prepare my snacks, I survive on cold meat loaf and chicken...

          By |2014-05-15T14:13:38-05:00May 15th, 2014|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|15 Comments

            Bulking Protocol – Part 3

            That really depends on what you are training for and your goals. But since this series is called The Bulking Protocol it is safe to assume you are reading with the goal of putting on muscle and size. I favor the more frequent meal model, as it is the only way for me to consume enough calories over the course of the day using high quality food sources...

            By |2014-03-18T10:06:23-05:00March 18th, 2014|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|3 Comments

              Mom & Raw Milk

              I have an 18-year-old son who plays high school football. He does not expect that he will play college football since he is 5'9". He is however very broad and has a large frame. He would like to get stronger and more physical. He is interested in the diet you propose that consists of raw milk. I am uncomfortable with this recommendation...

              By |2014-03-05T16:05:43-06:00March 5th, 2014|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|34 Comments
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