Sports Coach Radio Dot Com

John Welbourn is the big man behind CrossFit Football. A nine-year veteran of the NFL, he brings a multi-disciplinary approach to elite strength and conditioning. If you’re unfamiliar with the phenomenon that is CrossFit, you’ll learn all about it in this in-depth interview. Sports Coach Radio is hosted by Glenn Whitney, a sports and leadership psychologist...

By |2013-05-05T18:02:53-05:00February 19th, 2013|Diet, Lifting Weights, Talk to Me Johnnie, Training|0 Comments


I want to thank you for the programming. I don't play football, but I did reap the benefits of your training today. I caught a guy breaking into my truck and trying to steal my dog and guitar this afternoon. WTF! I sprinted over and leapt while kicking the door into his body and then preceded to beat him mercilessly and finally, power clean and body slam him into a wall. Without your program, I wouldn't have been able to do what had to be done; sprinting, jumping, beating down was just another DWOD. Now I am going to have some tequila...

Crock Pot Reflections: Big Bubba Update

I wanted to share photos and give some feedback on the Big Bubba's Ribs recipe.They came out better than expected. I substituted carrots for sweet I was out of sweet potatoes. It was a bit light on the salt for my taste, but that is an easy fix as I can add salt to the finished product. This one might need a few attempts to perfect, and as you can imagine I will jump on the sword until it is perfected. And remember...Serves 1...

By |2013-02-01T23:42:51-06:00August 6th, 2012|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|10 Comments

Crock Pot Diaries: Big Bubba Beef Ribs

Here is another installment from the Crock Pot Diaries. This time we journey away from the other white meat to the only meat that really matters: red meat. I also selected one of my favorite cuts, ribs. They are tasty and with the meat conveniently attached to a bone, they are a home run. I have always thought ribs are to meat as stick is to corn dog. And since I don't eat corn dogs anymore, I have to substitute with ribs. Enjoy this latest thriller from the Crock Pot.

By |2013-02-01T23:52:55-06:00August 1st, 2012|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|16 Comments

Crock Pot Diaries: Salsa Verde Pork

John...Thanks for the coffee grounds beef crock pot recipe. I saved my coffee grounds this morning in anticipation of making it tonight. Any help with a crock pot recipe for pork?...I have a favorite recipe for pork shoulder/butt inspired by Seaside Kitchen's, Cassidy Flynn. I have made this about 10 times in the last few months and believe I have something special. For best results, consume with generous helping of Red Bridge beer...

By |2013-02-02T00:13:49-06:00June 6th, 2012|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|33 Comments

Flesh Builds Flesh

The key problem with soy is that it contains phytoestrogens, which "mimic the physiological effects of the endogenous hormone, estrogen". So by consuming soy products, you’re could be pumping hormones into your body like you are taking birth control pills. Now imagine you take your days old baby boy or girl and start pumping soy-based formula into him or her 8 times a day. The flush of phytoestrogens wreaks havoc on the surge of testosterone that happens in newborn baby boys. If your intent is to create a living Ken doll out of your boy, soy him up. I can only speculate on what the extra estrogen does to young baby girls...

By |2016-04-03T10:29:49-05:00June 5th, 2012|Diet, FAQ, Talk to Me Johnnie|57 Comments

Lean Gains & CrossFit Football

The Lean Gains approach favors a 16-hour fast followed by an 8-hour feed. The majority of the training is done during the fasted state and accompanied by 10-20 grams of branch chain amino acids. So technically, the training is not completely fasted, and Martin states on his site, “…training completely fasted - that would be detrimental. The pre-workout protein intake, with its stimulatory effect on protein synthesis and metabolism, is a crucial compromise to optimize results.”...

By |2013-02-02T00:30:43-06:00May 24th, 2012|Diet, Talk to Me Johnnie|25 Comments

Earn Your Carbs

If your training looks like 6-12 training sessions a week involving lifting weights, high intensity interval training, sprinting and plethora of other movements performed at high intensity, then you should not be eating a low carb diet or restricting calories for that matter. The primary energy source for the second energy system, the lactic anaerobic (anaerobic glycolytic) is glucose; all carbohydrates entering the body are converted to glucose. This is the system most tapped into when running 800 meters, performing HITT or CrossFit style workouts. While fats can act as a source of fuel, certain cells, like those of the brain and blood, rely almost exclusively on glucose for energy...

By |2013-02-02T00:34:52-06:00May 22nd, 2012|Diet, FAQ, Talk to Me Johnnie|41 Comments

Lost in Madrid

My name is Fernando and I am a CrossFitter and MMA/Kick boxing fighter from Spain. I discovered your site a few months ago and I think it is really great, but I am really surprised and confused about some information. I will tell you my story. Here in my country, Spain, there is no information about Paleo diet, Crossfit, etc. There are just three CrossFit boxes in the capital Madrid, and two of them suck. Even in my box most of people don’t know what is Paleo...

By |2013-02-02T02:00:08-06:00November 29th, 2011|Diet, Supplements, Talk to Me Johnnie|31 Comments
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