Legs too large? WTF?
Really? Legs too big? Are you serious? Have you not read anything I have posted on this site in the last two years? Personally, I think your problems much deeper if you are worried your legs are too big...
Really? Legs too big? Are you serious? Have you not read anything I have posted on this site in the last two years? Personally, I think your problems much deeper if you are worried your legs are too big...
I just thought I'd send you a progress reports on one of my players. 2 years ago, this kid was a skinny freshman and came up to train with me during the spring. He couldn't do a push up or squat to save his life. Three years later, here he is as a junior...
First off, I would like to thank you for the great programming CFFB provides! I am a huge fan and have been following CrossFit Football programming with a buddy for over a year. I am a college baseball player with dreams of draft day but realize that I will need to make up for my lack of height with speed and power, but its the power part I am having trouble with...
I know that you're busy, but I've had a problem lately and i hoped maybe you could help. I'm a college freshman, and I’ve been following the CFFB program for several months now and have seen some spectacular gains. However, I took two weeks off to move to college and get used to my new routine...
“There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when every athlete who trained with weights sported an impressive set of traps. Bodybuilders had them; shot putters had them, and, of course, so did Olympic lifters. That’s because they all did lots of heavy pulling movements in their programs. Currently, the only group of strength athletes who show any trap development are Olympic lifters, and those taking part in a scholastic or collegiate strength program which includes the power clean and shrug..."
Hey John, Thought it would be badass to have an article on setting up a cffb garage gym. Thanks for the suggestion. . I read your question and have been milling it over for a few weeks and agree there should be a simple easy set up guide for a garage gym...
I have recently become addicted to CrossFit Football but had a question pertaining to finding the right gym for the program. Ironically I can find plenty of gyms here in Phoenix, however, I am having a very difficult time finding a gym that works for CrossFit football. It just seems impossible to do it in your regular “globo gym.”...
Hi there, I am curious about workout scaling, as far as weight is concerned on the METCONs for women. I am a rugby athlete and avid CrossFitter...
CrossFit Football has been working for the last few months to bring a powerlifting meet to Southern California. We worked with Cara Westin from Supertraining Gym in Sacramento, CA to host a powerlifting meet at the home of CrossFit Football, SoCal S&C/CrossFit Balboa in Costa Mesa, CA....
John...Just writing to say thanks for the intelligent and effective programming you do on Football.com. After consistently following the SWOD and DWOD for about 5 months, I finally got a double bodyweight back squat....